It’s my Twitter and I’ll tweet what I want to.

A new year means new goals. We’re all aware of that, right? What is it with the people who gripe and complain about the “resolutioners” who are crowding up their gym? Yes, it can be annoying when every treadmill is full and the sweat radiating off of fellow gym-goers is practically dripping down the walls, but what makes some people feel like they are more entitled to be there? Last time I checked, we aren’t born going to the gym. We all experienced our first workout and we all settle into a routine that works for us, these resolutioners will find their place just like you did.

half marathon training

Along these same lines are the people who can’t stand it when others are posting about going to the gym or working out on social media. I would be lying if I said I’ve never been guilty of this and sometimes people do get a little carried away, but I’ve learned that if that’s what they need to be kept accountable…more power to em’! I have been/will be shamelessly tweeting and instagramming through my half marathon training

Whew. I just needed to get that off my chest and 140 characters was not enough, clearly. If you want to read my weight loss story, you can find it here. Resolutioners, you’ll be seasoned alum in no time..hang in there!

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  1. Jessa Olson wrote:

    I love all the pics and tweets.. motivating for me to train as well.

    Posted 1.14.14 Reply
  2. Jessica wrote:

    I’m glad someone thinks so!

    Posted 1.15.14 Reply
  3. Jessa Olson wrote:

    It’s motivating for me because I have a few races I need to train for.

    Posted 1.15.14 Reply